Can I use any type of target face, or, just the WA ones?
RyngDyng supports all official versions of target faces specified by the World Archery Federation (WA) and that have got at least the yellow, red and blue rings:
- 122 cm
- 80 cm
- 60 cm
- 40 cm
- compound spot with 5 rings and 40 cm diameter
- compound spot with 6 rings and 48 cm diameter
- vertical 3-spots with 20 cm diameter each
- vertical 3-spots with 11 cm diameter each (mini spots for 10m distance)
- horizontal 3-spots with 20 cm diameter each
- 3-spots of type Las Vegas
- 3-spots of type Las Vegas (mini version for 9m = 10 yrd distance)
Also, the blck/yellow WA field targets:
- 80cm
- 60cm
- 40cm
- vertical 3-spots with 20 cm diameter each
(note that when shooting with black arrows on those black targets, good light conditions are required; in some cases it helps to lower the contrast threshold for arrow detection).
In addition, there is already built in support for NFAA field targets:
- 40 cm
- 5-spots with 16 cm diameter each
For training or tuning, there is additional support for
- blank targets divided into 1, 2, or 3 vertical fields
- a blue standard beermat (about 13 cm diameter)
- a blue cross for the walk-back tests ( available here for download)
If users express their interest for support for other target faces, we will do some tests and if successful, this additional support might be integrated into a coming software release.
Also note that next to the color a target face needs to have clearly specified dimensions. For example, copying a target face and thereby reducing its size won’t work. There are some tolerances, of course, but essentially the specification of WA is to be met.
Currently we are testing support for Lancaster targets with 12 points bonus ring. We will offer support for those targets as a feature upgrade.
Furthermore, we are already testing DFBV field target faces. Also these targets will be offered as a feature upgrade.
Hello, sir.
The link to the Blue Cross for the walkback test is no longer working.
Can you provide me with the file?
Thank you for your time.
Yes, the download link was broken. Now it should work again
Thanks, Jochen
Thank you for your help.
I also have a question
Recently, I’ve been getting the install pre-release software pop-up.
I clicked on it, but in the end the installation failed.
I can’t connect anymore.
Thank you for your time.
Did you connect the router to the internet before trying to run the software update?
In case you cannot connect the app to RyngDyng anymore, please follow the emergency procedures described here: Emergency procedures
Please note that the button to update the pre-release software is always displayed to our “advanced users”. This is a setting in our database. Some of our users want to get the pre-release versions, so that’s why we enabled this button. You should press it only when you know there is a new pre-release version and you want to get it.
In case you need more individual support to fix the problem, please write an email to