Using existing networks?

Is it possible to operate the RyngDyng devices within our existing network? Can we connect them to our WiFI, or via ethernet cable?

There are several options.

Using the RyngDyng router as a bridge

The easiest way is to use the special RyngDyng WiFi router and connect this router to your local network and use the router as a bridge. There are 2 ways to achieve this:

  1. connect the RyngDyng router via an ethernet cable on the port called WAN with your local router/switch
  2. configure the RyngDyng router to connect to your local WiFi network wirelessly.

There is a document describing how you can do that.

In this scenario the WiFi network called RyngDyng is still available and will get a connection to the internet via your existing local network. Using the concept of routes, you can configure your router to let computers within your local network also talk to the devices within the RyngDyng WiFi network.

Direct connections

The second alternative is to connect the RyngDyng devices directly to your local network, without using the RyngDyng router. This can be achieved using an ethernet cable directly plugged into the RD computer and your router/switch.

With this second option, the RyngDyng WiFi is not used and the standard RyngDyng app will no longer work and connect to the RD devices, because the network configuration is different. Therefore, when not using the RyngDyng WiFi router you will need another software to control RyngDyng (e.G., the I@nseo tournament management software, or, the RyngDyngManager software).

Using VPN technology

The third option is to establish a VPN connection into the RyngDyng WiFi network. Using VPN it is possible to have the RyngDyng App running on a remote device (even outside the local network at another place) and still having connection to the RyngDyng device. How to establish that VPN connection is described in the document “Remote Access to RyngDyng” available for download here.